
Construction record
PointA PointB PointC PointD PointE PointF PointG

D 複合発電設備(南側)Gas turbine unit(south side)

2015/5/25 タービン建屋の手前に、主変圧器・所内変圧器・ガス絶縁開閉装置(GIS)が搬入されました(中央)。平成27年11月の受電に向け、電気設備の設置が着々と進んでいます。 May 25, 2015: The main transformer, in-house transformer and Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) have been transported to the area in front of the Turbine building (center). Electrical equipment is being installed according to the schedule, aiming for power reception in November 2015.

D 複合発電設備(南側)Gas turbine unit(south side)

2015/3/25 タービン建屋南側では、配管・ケーブル用の架構(ラック)の建設が進み、大口径冷却水管(機器冷却用)を設置中です。 March 25, 2015 The construction of the cross-linked structure (rack) for pipes and cables is being continued on the south side of the turbine building, and the large-diameter cooling water pipe (for cooling devices) is being installed.
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