2015/5/25 スラグ(石炭灰が溶融・固化したもの)搬送・貯蔵設備の基礎工事が始まりました。桟橋手前にスラグ貯蔵倉庫、石炭ガス化設備から貯蔵倉庫に向かってスラグ移送コンベアが建設されます(右)。排熱回収ボイラ(中央)から煙突に向かう煙道が間もなく繋がります。
The foundation work of the slag (melt and solidified coal) transfer/storage equipment was started in May 25, 2015. Slag storehouse will be constructed in front of the pier, and a Slag conveyor will be constructed between the Coal Gasification Unit and the storehouse (right). The Duct that stretches from the Heat recovery steam generator (center) to the chimney will be connected soon.
2015/3/25 配管・ケーブル用の架構(ラック)が縦横に建設され、架構での配管・ケーブル敷設が本格化しています。また、現地工事関係者が増加している中、様々な対策を講じながら一層の安全作業に努めていきたいと思います。
March 25, 2015 The cross-linked structure (rack) for pipes and cables is constructed in vertical and horizontal directions, and full installation of pipes and cables in the cross-linked structure started. We are also going to ensure safe operations while implementing various measures as the number of on-site construction workers increases.