F 石炭ガス化設備(北側)Coal gasification unit(north side) |

F 石炭ガス化設備(北側)Coal gasification unit(north side) |
E 建設現場全景(西側)Whole view(west side) |
D 複合発電設備(南側)Gas turbine unit(south side) |
C 複合発電設備(東側)Gas turbine unit(east side) |
B 石炭ガス化設備(東側)Coal gasification unit(east side) |
A煙突 Stack |
ガス化炉 搬入!!The gasifier was carried in! |
In December 2014, the gasifier, the central piece of the IGCC demonstration plant was carried in. Main facilities such as the gas turbine, generator, syngas cooler, the main engine of the gas clean-up unit were gradually being carried in, and the worksite was becoming more energized. Employees assigned to individual facilities reported how these devices were carried in.
“This is the coal gasification unit. The iron frame up to the uppermost floor was completed in October 2014, and the total height of the frame is 75 meters. The gasifier was installed near the center of this frame.”
“The gasifier is large and heavy equipment with the total length of about 40 meters, about 440 tons in weight, and about 4.6 meters in diameter. This furnace consists of the pressure vessel on the outside and water-cooling pipe structure on the inside for converting solid coal into combustion gas. In order to safely transport and install this large and heavy equipment, we first created a detailed plan specifying methods and procedures starting at the design phase of the gasifier with contractors in charge of production, transportation, and installation of this equipment. I am going to start the introduction with draining (unloading).”
“This is the job done by the transportation team. First, the 700-ton floating derricking crane lifted the gasifier from the barge and carefully placed it on the dolly on a transportation truck.”
“The transportation started to the coal gasification unit located at the deepest area of the construction site. Only a bare minimum transportation route was provided, since other constructions were also underway. Guiding staff positioned at the front, back, right, and left carefully transported the furnace while checking the safety around it.”
うわぁ、ほんとにギリギリですね 地上から見上げるとガス化炉の巨大さがよく分かります。さて、今は横倒しになっている40mのガス化炉・・・。どうやって鉄骨に据え付けるのでしょう?クレーンで屋上から吊りこむとか??
“The large crane used for constructing the gas facility can lift up to 750 tons. Yet, it is extremely difficult in terms of safety to lift a 40-meter gasifier from the rooftop of the steel frame that is 75 meters above the ground. Stronger wind in a higher level makes the lifting more difficult. Thus, we used a hydraulic jacking system which was less affected by wind or ground condition.”
“The installation team took over the operation from here. The gasifier was raised up inside the steel frame and lifted up and moved to a designated position. The jacking system on the rooftop of the steel frame lifted up one side of the gasifier to make it stand up. The jack system further lifted the furnace up to a vertical position. Wires were installed on the upper section of the gasifier, and the lifting started. It took eight hours to stand the furnace up, because we carefully lifted it up at the speed of five meters per hour.”
この日は生憎の雨 多くの作業員が見守る中、慎重に作業は続きます。
“On the day after lifting up the furnace, a facility called slag crusher was installed at the bottom section of the gasifier. On the day after that, the top section of the gasifier that was then placed vertically was jacked up to about 70 meters above the ground taking about eight hours, and the installation was completed.”
水切りから3日間をかけて、無事にガス化炉の据付を完了しました 播磨さん、今のお気持ちはいかがですか?
“I first would like to thank all people involved with production, transportation, and installation. Now that the installation of the gasifier is safely completed, the connection work of auxiliary parts and pipes starts as a full operation. I expect many difficulties in this construction process, since multiple companies are ordered to construct many facilities, which require arrangements and coordination of connecting works among multiple companies and facilities. All workers involved are working together to safely complete the construction.”
工事最盛期を迎え、現場工事会社の皆さんと日々細かい調整を重ねながら、着実に工事を進めているんですね 次回は、石炭ガスをクリーンにするガス精製設備をご紹介します。